The Beautifully Colored Copperleaf Plant
Are you in a place where you want to move ahead and turn your garden into a spectacular explosion of color? You'll find that one of the most lovely plants that you can grow in your garden is the copperleaf plant.
The copperleaf plant requires a soil pH that is very alkaline at around 9.1 or so, but after you have this basic need met, caring for it is as easy as pie!
Take some time to get really familiar with this terrific plant and what it can do to give your garden the style and charm that you are looking for.
A copperleaf can grow upwards of 10 feet into the round, and these elliptical and oval leaves are quite charming to the eye in shape, and in color.
There are very small flowers that are hidden by the foliage, but you won't miss them once you take a look and see how very colorful the leaves themselves are.
Some copperleaf varieties have green leaves with a coppery tinge, while others have a bright crimson margin that will delineate each leaf.
Some species of this plant have larger leaves that are streaked with beautiful shades of cream, yellow and red, while others are simply mottled with a lovely red and orange. As you can see, there is a large variety of plants and colors to choose from.
copperleaf plant images your garden or your home a good place for a copperleaf plant? These are plants that do very well in the sun, but they can tolerate a partially shaded location.
Make sure that you find it a spot that is not prone to strong winds. The more you put your plant in the bright light the more brightly colored the leaves will be; this is something that is very important to consider if you are looking to grow a specimen inside your home.
When you are considering how much water it needs, remember that good drainage is a must. When you are dealing with indoor plants, consider a soil-less potting mist and make sure that you mist it daily. Less water is required in the winter.
Some excellent locations for this native of the South Pacific include southern Florida and the tropical Americas, where it can be grown outdoors all year long.
You can use it in mixed hedges or alone; in either case, it will be a striking addition to your garden. Do remember that a frost can do a great deal of damage to this plant, which is why many people in more northerly latitudes will tend to grow it indoors.
If you grow copperleaf plant indoors, remember that they need a bright environment that is very warm.
Take some time and really consider what your options are going to be when you are thinking about integrating copperleaf into your home or environment.
There are lots of different choices available to you in terms of species and even method of cultivation so see how well it might look in your garden!
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